Summer Drawing Prompts for Kids

Have some incredibly creative fun with these free printable summer drawing prompts for kids!

Summer Drawing Prompts for Kids

This summer, inspire young students to be creative with a variety of engaging art prompt ideas.

Drawing prompts are the perfect way to encourage original thinking and exercise little minds.

They’re a great alternative to writing activities for kids who may not be all that keen or developmentally ready to create summer journal entries.

They’re actually one of my favorite kindergarten activities because they’re so engaging and get kids thinking in new ways right away!

(They’re also great for building a growth mindset and slowing summer slide in teens too!)

They’re also easy to work into your summer homeschool schedule, as you can take them anywhere!

As children go to town making exciting works of art, their imaginations will begin to unfold.

With the quick introduction of a simple subject, kids can spend hours drawing and designing while you’re working or whipping up quick 30-minute summer dinners.

And, as a bonus, these drawing prompts are perfect to take along on long flights with kids! They make the time pass quickly (and quietly!).

You could even spice things up by trying blindfold drawing!

Prompts for Drawing

Art prompts basically provide a starting point for young minds to work from.

They can expand artistic expression and give kids the opportunity to discover new things.

Summer drawing prompts are simple to use and benefit children in a number of different ways!

You and your kiddos are sure to love these fun summer activities for rainy or too hot summer days.

Summer Drawing Prompts for Kids

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How to Use Creative Summer Drawing Prompts

Introducing these fantastic summer drawing prompts to your kiddos is super simple and makes for the perfect summer funschooling activity!

All you need to do is click on the Freebies Library and download them from there.

Once you have found the file, just download it and then print all of the activity sheets.

Gather your kids and show them the different pages of summer drawing prompts:

Draw with Me…

  • …on the Beach
  • …at the Park
  • …by the Pond
  • …in the Backyard
  • …at the Pool

 When your littles are ready, have them partner up with a sibling, peer, teacher, or parent.

Each pair of two will take turns using the summer theme activity sheets.

One child at a time will think of and then add different scenes to the drawing prompt printout.

And that’s how easy it is to use these summer drawing prompts for kids!

Summer Drawing Prompts for Kids

How Can Drawing Prompts Benefit Children

Summer drawing prompts are a great way to involve your littles in some hands-on learning.  

They will have so much fun, they won’t even realize that these activity sheets are educational!

These art prompts encourage creative thinking, but they also teach some very important skills.

Children will learn how to work well with a partner.

They will have to wait their turn, providing them a valuable lesson on patience.

In addition, they will be strengthening their fine motor skills as they draw on the activity sheet.

And, as if all of those benefits for these printables weren’t enough, we have just one more.

Taking advantage of these summer drawing prompts can prevent summer learning loss.

Also known as summer slide, this is the loss of learned skills over a break (such as summer).

Providing children with activities that stimulate their minds and bodies can prevent this setback.

Summer Drawing Prompts for Kids

Free Printable Summer Drawing Prompts

The whole concept of art prompts is centered around sparking creativity.

So, all you really need to do is to plant an idea in young minds and let them explore it.

That’s what these amazing summer drawing prompts can do.

And yes, that is why they are great!

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