Valentines Jokes For Kids

Whether you are trying to cheer up your kids before a scary test or just trying to get into Valentine’s Day spirit, here are some fun Valentines Jokes for Kids to make them smile!

Free Printable Kid's Valentine's Lunch Box Jokes   - ThatKidsCraftSite

Valentines Jokes for Kids 

As some of you may know by now, after homeschooling our children for 10 years, two of our kids are in public school and they’re loving it!

It was quite the adjustment for our family in many ways, but the one task I was not expecting to be such fun in this new routine was… packing lunch!

I know, I know. It may sound a bit cheesy but honestly, I have so much fun getting creative when it’s time to pack their lunches. Printing out jokes and hiding them in their lunch boxes is one of my favorite ways to surprise them.

A small and funny reminder from home that they are loved and that we’re thinking about them, no matter where they are, is important. After all, a bit of silly in the middle of the day never hurt anyone. Especially before a math test!

Valentines Day Jokes

Free Printable Kid's Valentine's Lunch Box Jokes   - ThatKidsCraftSite

If you have a shy child like I do, these jokes can be a wonderful way – although slightly sneaky way! – for you to try out and help them a little.

Because these printables are so colorful and cute, on top of stealing giggles they can actually work wonderfully to break the ice during lunch. Once kids start talking and laughing together they tend to forget they ever felt shy to begin with. (A superpower I wish we were all able to carry into our adult lives!)

Get Two Sheets of Printable Valentines Jokes for Kids –> HERE




Valentines Day Jokes for Kids

What did the stamp say to the envelope?
A: I’m stuck on you.

What did the paper clip say to the magnet?
A: I find you attractive.

What kind of flower do you never want to get on Valentine’s Day?
A: Cauliflower


What do elephants say to one another on Valentine’s Day?
A: I love you a ton.

What did the monster ask his sweetheart?
A: Will you be my Valen-slime?

What did the boy pickle say to the girl pickle?
A: You mean a great dill to me.

What do you call two birds in love?
A: Tweet-hearts

What did the squirrel give for Valentine’s Day?
A: Forget-me-nuts

What did the baker say to his wife?
A: I’m doughnuts about you!

What did the farmer give his wife for Valentine’s Day?
A: Hogs and kisses

What did the owl say to his sweetheart?
A: Owl be yours

What did the calculator say to the other calculator on Valentine’s Day?
A: Let me count the ways I love you.

Free Printable Kid's Valentine's Lunch Box Jokes   - ThatKidsCraftSite

Get Two Sheets of Printable Valentines Jokes for Kids –> HERE

More Valentines Jokes for Kids

What did one piece of string say to the other piece of string?
A: Will you be my Valen-twine?

What do you call the smallest Valentine’s Day card in the world?
A: A Valen-teeny-tiny

What did the volcano say to the other volcano on Valentine’s Day?
A: I lava you.

What did the phone give his phone girlfriend when he proposed?
A: A ring

What did the lightbulb say to her boyfriend?
A: I love you watts and watts.

What do you call a ghost’s girlfriend?
A: His ghoul-friend

What flower gives a lot of kisses on Valentine’s Day?
A: Tulips

What did the toast say to the other toast on Valentine’s Day?
A: You’re my butter half.

What did one beet say to the other beet?
A: You make my heart beet faster.

Why is lettuce the most loving vegetable?
A: Because it has a big heart.

Why do skunks love Valentine’s Day?
A: Because they are very scent-imental.

What did one sheep say to the other?
A: I love ewe.

What did the calculator say to the pencil?
A: You can count on me.

What kind of Valentine’s Day candy is never on time?

What did the whale say to his sweetheart?
A: Whale you be mine?

Why wasn’t the skeleton excited about Valentine’s Day?
A: His heart wasn’t in it.

What do you get when you kiss a dragon on Valentine’s Day?
A: Third-degree burns on your lips.

What did the cat say to her boyfriend on Valentine’s Day?
A: You’re purr-fect.


Get Two Sheets of Printable Valentines Jokes for Kids –> HERE


Valentines Day Jokes for Kids

Now you’re all set to send them off to their school adventures, prepped with the best thing in the whole world: smiles!


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