December Crafts for Kids

Celebrate December holidays with these fun preschool December crafts for kids!

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December Preschool Crafts

If there is ever a time of year where crafts are at the forefront of most people’s minds, it would have to be December.

With so many amazing holidays, plus the wonder and beauty of the winter season coming into play, there are loads of fun December preschool crafts to share with your favorite little ones!

Our suggestions for this month’s crafts are just a handful of the many creative and seasonal things that you can do!

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December Crafts

Sparkle Ornaments

Help preschoolers paint clear glue all over clear or white plastic ornaments with the hangers removed.

Let them roll their ornament in glitter or attach sequins and gems in holiday colors.

Write on the year with metallic marker and reattach the hanger to the ornament. Display on your holiday tree!

Rainbow Fish Ornament

For fans of the book Rainbow Fish, this easy and fun foam and pompom ornament is a sure winner.

Rainbow Fish Ornament Craft for Kids -

Get the complete directions HERE.

Circle Candy Cane Craft              

Cut out multiple circles of the same size with white and red construction paper.

Show little ones how to overlap the circles and glue together in the shape of a candy cane.

If you’d like, you can add popsicle sticks or pipe cleaners to the back of the candy cane for stability.

Add these adorable crafts to your holiday décor in your home or classroom!

Twig Tree Ornament

Let nature be your inspiration for this twig tree ornament. The best part? The materials are free if you have some embroidery floss or yarn on hand!

Twig Tree Ornament for Kids -

Get the complete directions HERE.

Popsicle Stick Christmas Tree

Let little ones paint three popsicle sticks with green paint, then let the paint dry. Glue the sticks together in a triangle shape, then add a small brown square or rectangle along the bottom center as a trunk.

Preschoolers can attach sequins and gems around the tree as ornaments. Add a loop of string or yarn if you would like to hang it on your own Christmas tree.

December Preschool Arts and Crafts -

Reindeer Poop Slime

It’s glittery and gooey – the perfect Reindeer slime recipe!

Reindeer Poop Sparkle Slime

Get the complete directions for making reindeer poop slime HERE!

Kinara Kwanzaa Craft

Read a book about Kwanzaa with your child, then help them create their own Kinara on paper.

Cut out a triangle for the candle holder, thin rectangles in black, red, and green for the candles, and add orange ovals for the flames.

This is a wonderful way to introduce a new holiday celebration with wonderful lessons!

Paper Nativity Play Set Craft

Print out, color, and assemble your very own 3-D paper nativity scene!

3D Paper Nativity Craft -

Get the complete directions and the free printable nativity craft HERE.

Simple Pencil Dreidel

Cut out a square of thick cardboard about 3” on each side. Trace the four dreidel symbols onto the sides, then let little ones paint over the tracing or color over with marker.

Once dry, pierce a sharpened pencil through the center and secure with tape if needed. Use the pencil to spin your dreidel and play the game with gold chocolate coins or other small items.

Reindeer Poop Soap

Nothing says Merry Christmas like a gift of reindeer poop soap!

Reindeer Poop Soap Recipe

Learn how to DIY reindeer poop soap that your whole family will laugh at!

Tissue Paper Holiday Wreath

A simple paper plate with the center cut out is the perfect base for a holiday wreath.

Let preschoolers glue small, crumpled pieces of green tissue paper all over it. They can dot with red paper or even pompoms for a holly berry accent.

It’s a quick and easy holiday decoration for little hands to make!

December Preschool Crafts for Kids -

Snowman Family Ornament

A plain, solid-colored plastic ornament can be turned into a snowman family with a little white paint handprint strategically placed with the palm of the hand on the bottom for snow and the fingers being the snowmen!

Once the paint has dried, use Sharpies to draw on features and accessories! Such an adorable decoration that is a memento of when your children had those sweet, tiny hands.

Popsicle Stick Nativity

Create a stable by gluing popsicle sticks onto a heavy piece of construction paper or card stock.

Let little ones draw their own depiction of the nativity scene inside the stable, then cut around the edges.

Add a loop of yarn or string to hang your nativity on the tree.

And don’t forget to add the Star of Bethlehem at the top! Sparkly pipe cleaners work great!

December Arts & Crafts

Don’t let the holiday season pass by without taking the time to create crafting memories with your kids. The ideas above are perfect for making memories that will last a lifetime and keepsakes that will last just as long. Have fun crafting!

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A Year of Preschool Crafts

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